Friday, May 18, 2018

Cloud at Customer - DNS


In recently weeks I have been involved with a few engagements where there has been a confusion with the understanding of how DNS within a Cloud at Customer environment works.  This blog posting will be an attempt to clarify how it works at a reasonably high level.

DNS Overview

The Domain Name System is provided to enable a mapping from a fairly human readable form to an actual IP address which computers can use to route traffic.  There are essentially two components to the name, firstly the hostname of a machine and secondly a domain name.  eg. where donald represents the hostname and represents what is called the domain.

On a linux system the resolution of DNS is typically specified in a file /etc/resolv.conf it will look something like this.

# Generated by NetworkManager

The nameserver entry specifies the IP address of a DNS server which will be used to change names into IP addresses.  We have two entries so that should the first one be unavailable for any reason then the second one will be used.  We can then use a unix utility called nslookup (part of the bind-utils package if you want to install it) which will allow us to query the DNS server.  Other utilities such as dig can also provide information from DNS.

$ nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:

Note that this response includes the text "Non-authorative answer".   The reason for this is that all DNS servers will be in control of different domains and in our example we tried to lookup a domain called   From my laptop the DNS server is from my ISP so it knows nothing about the domain.  In this situation the DNS server I talked to will forward the request on to a .com domain server which in turn is likely to delegate the request to the DNS server responsible (or authorative) for the domain.  This returns the IP address which flows back through the DNS servers to my ISP which caches the answer and gives me the IP address to use for a lookup on

DNS on Oracle Cloud@Customer

Inside the control plane of an OCC environment there is a DNS server that runs.  This server is authorative over two domains of interest to a customer.  Specifically one in the format of <Subscription ID> and also one  of the format <Account>/<Region>.internal.  For example. and compute-500011223.gb1.internal. domain is a domain that Oracle own and run on behalf of the customer and is used to provide the URLs that the customer will interact with.  Utilise the UI for managing the rack or accessing the REST APIs for compute, PaaS, Storage etc.  So, for example the underlying compute REST API of a C@C environment will be something like https://compute.<Region>.ocm.<Subscription ID>  So in our example above this would become

Clearly the domain <Subscription> is something that is not going to be known in any customer's DNS so normal DNS actions would take place and the customer's DNS would look up the domain chain to find a DNS server that is authorative for  As these are not publicly accessible this lookup would fail.  To fix this we need to change the customer's DNS to make it aware of the <Subscription ID> domain so it knows how to access a DNS service that will return an appropriate IP address and enable usage of the URL.  This is done by adding a forwarding rule to your customer's DNS service which forwards any request for a C@C URL to the DNS running in the C@C environment.

Once the forwarding rule is in place then the customer is able to start using the UI and REST APIs of the C@C so they can manage the platform.

internal domain

So now the customer can access the cloud at customer management screens and can create virtual machines to run their enterprise.  The next question is about what is the internal domain.  This essentially relates to configuration of the VM itself.  During the provisioning process there is a screen which requests the "DNS Hostname Prefix" as shown below. 

The name used in the DNS Hostname Prefix becomes part of the registration into the OCC DNS server to represent the host portion.  ie. When we create the VM it will have a DNS registration internally like df-web01.compute-500019369.gb1.internal which maps onto the private IP address allocated to the VM.  This means if you are creating multiple VMs together or using a PaaS service that produces multipleVMs (like JCS) then there are URLs available to enable them to talk to each other without you having to know the IP address.

Once a VM has been created it is possible to see the internal DNS name for the VM from the details page as shown below.

This can be resolved from within the VM as shown below.

[opc@df-vm01 ~]$ nslookup df-vm01

Name:    df-vm01.compute-500019369.gb1.internal

[opc@df-vm01 ~]$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
; generated by /usr/sbin/dhclient-script
search compute-500019369.gb1.internal. compute-500019369.gb1.internal.

So we can see that the default behaviour of a VM created from one of the standard templates is to configure the VM to use the internal DNS server and the DNS Name of the VM is made available  through the DNS lookup and will return the internal or private IP address of the VM.

So what about lookups on other domains.  Provided the customer DNS allows lookups then the request will get forwarded on to the customer DNS which can provide the appropriate response.

[opc@df-vm01 ~]$ nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:

The next obvious question is regarding how a client sitting in the customer's datacentre would find the IP address of the VM that was created.  There are no DNS records created for the "public" IP address which has been allocated (NAT) to the VM.  The answer to this is that it is the same as if you were installing a new server in your environment.  One of the steps would be to specify an IP address for the new machine and then register into the customer's DNS.   Once you have created the VM and know which IP address is being used for it take that IP and add it to your DNS with an appriate fully qualified domain name.  eg.   Once registered any client would be able to lookup and start using the services running on the VM instance.

With Oracle Cloud at Customer it is possible to use an IP Reservation which will reserve an IP address from the client IP pool/shared network and once reserved it is fully under the control of the cloud administrator.  Thus the IP address can be registered in DNS before the VM is created if that suits the processes of your company better than registering the address after VM creation.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

OCC/OCI-C Orchestration V2 Server Anti-Affinity


The Oracle Cloud at Customer offering provides a powerful deployment platform for many different application types.  In the enterprise computing arena it is necessary to deploy clustered applications such that the app can be highly available by providing service even if there is a fault in the platform.  To this end we have to ensure that an application can be distributed over multiple virtual machines and these virtual machines have to reside on different physical hardware.  The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Classic (which is what runs on the Oracle Cloud at Customer racks) can achieve this by having it specified in what is called an orchestration.

Orchestration Overview

In OCI-C it is possible to create complex environments using multiple networks and apply firewall rules to the VMs that connect to these networks.  The VMs themselves have many different configuration items to specify the behaviour.  All of this is described in the documentation but the diagram below shows the interactions between various objects and a virtual machine instance.

Relationships between objects in Oracle Compute Cloud Service
OCI-C Object interactions (Shared Network only)

Using orchestrations (v2) you can define each of these objects in a single flat file (json formatted).  This file allows you to specifiy the attributes of each object and also reference each other.  By using a reference the system is then able to work out what order the objects should be created.  i.e. The dependencies.  Say a VM will use a storage volume it can use a reference to the volume meaning that the storage volume must come on-line prior to the instance being created.

For example the following snippet of json file defines a boot disk and then the VM instance definition references the name of the volume, identified by the label name.

      "label": "df-simplevm01-bootdisk",
      "type": "StorageVolume",
          "name": "/Compute-500019369/",
          "size": "18G",
          "bootable": true,
          "properties": ["/oracle/public/storage/default"],
          "description": "Boot volume for the simple test VM",
          "imagelist": "/oracle/public/OL_7.2_UEKR4_x86_64"
      "label": "df-simplevm01",
      "type": "Instance",
      "name": "/Compute-500019369/",
      "template": {
        "name": "/Compute-500019369/",
        "shape": "oc3",
        "label": "simplevm01",
        "storage_attachments": [
            "index": 1,
            "volume": "{{df-simplevm01-bootdisk:name}}"

There are a few other things in this that are worth pointing out.  Firstly the naming convention for all objects is essentially /<OCI-Classic account identifier>/<User Name>/<Object name>.   Thus when defining the JSON file content the first part of the name will vary according to what data centre/Cloud at Customer environment you are deploying into and the rest is determined by the users setup and the naming convention you want to utilse.  When deploying between cloud regions/Cloud at Customer these values may change.

The other thing to notice is that I have specifically made the boot disk have a persistence property of true while the VM has a persistence property of false.  The reason for this becomes clear when we consider the lifecycle of objects managed by a V2 orchestration.

Depicts the states of an orchestration
Orchestration V2 lifecycle

An orchestration can be either suspended or terminated once in the active state.  Suspension means that any non-persistent object is deleted while persistent objects remain on-line.  Termination will delete all objects defined in the orchestration.  By making the storage volume persistent we can suspend the orchestration which will stop the VM.  With the VM stopped we can update the VM to change many of its characteristics and then activate the orchestration again which will re-create the VM but using the persistent storage volume meaning the VM retains any data it has written to disk and acts as if it was simply re-booted but now happens to have more cores/memory etc.

Below is screen shot taken from OCI-Classic (18.2.2) showing some of the VM attributes that can be changed.  Essentially all configuration items of the VM can be adjusted.

Basic VM attributes that can be changed in an Orchestration V2

These attributes cannot be changed on a running VM -  it mandates a shutdown.  If the VM had been marked to be persistent then suspending the orchestration would have left the VM on-line and thus with immutable configuration so any change would mandate a termination of the orchestration which would delete things like the storage volumes.  Potentially not the desired behaviour.

Using Server Anti-Affinity

Having considered the usage of orchestrations we can now consider setting up some degree of control over the placement of a VM.    This is covered in the documentation but here we are considering two options, firstly the instruction to place VMs on "different nodes" and secondly to place them on the "same node".  Obviously the primary purpose of this blog posting is to consider the different node approach.

different_node Relationships

One of the general attributes of an object in an orchestration is its relationship to other objects.  The documentation for V2 specifies that the only relationship is the "depends" relationship and is included into an orchestration using the following format:

"relationships": [
    "type": "depends",
    "targets": ["instance1"]
Other relationships are possible, namely different_node and same_node. For a different_node approach we simply have the type set to the text of "different_node" and then in the targets array specify the instances that must be on different nodes.  Doing this will also setup a depends relationship as this instance placement will depend on the other instance placement.  So for example, with 4 VMs the objects in the orchestration will have the following relationships to ensure they are placed on different physical nodes.

      "label": "df-simplevm01",
      "type": "Instance",
      "name": "/Compute-500019369/",
      "template": {
        "name": "/Compute-500019369/",
        "shape": "oc3",
        "label": "simplevm01",
  "instances":[ "instance:{{df-simplevm02:name}}",
      "label": "df-simplevm02",
      "name": "/Compute-500019369/",
      "template": {
        "name": "/Compute-500019369/",
        "shape": "oc3",
        "label": "simplevm02",
  "instances":[ "instance:{{df-simplevm03:name}}",
      "label": "df-simplevm03",
      "type": "Instance",
      "name": "/Compute-500019369/",
      "template": {
        "name": "/Compute-500019369/",
        "shape": "oc3",
        "label": "simplevm03",
  "instances":[ "instance:{{df-simplevm04:name}}"
      "label": "df-simplevm04",
      "type": "Instance",
      "name": "/Compute-500019369/",
      "template": {
        "name": "/Compute-500019369/",
        "shape": "oc3",
        "label": "simplevm04",
So in this example the 4th VM has no relationships but all the others have a dependence on it and where it is placed.  As such it is the first located VM, then the 3rd VM gets placed on a different node then the second and finally the first.  All the relationships have used the format of an object reference using the label of the object:name to identify the specific instance.

In the public cloud there is notionally an infinite compute resource so a great many VMs can get placed onto different nodes.  In the cloud at customer model there are only so many "model 40" compute units that are subscribed to which puts a physical limit on the number of VMs that can be placed on different nodes.  In the example above there are 4 VMs and in a typlical OCC starter rack there are only 3 nodes so the obvious question is what is the behaviour in this scenario.  The answer is that the orchestration will enter a "transient_error" state as the fourth VM cannot be started on the rack and the orchestration will try to start up the VM on a regular basis.  The error is reported as:-

"cause": "error_state", 
"detail": "System object is in error state: Cannot satisfy both the placement and relationship requirements." 

So in a Cloud at Customer environment you should be aware of how many physical machines are in place and if a cluster size is larger than this then split the dependencies up accordingly.  e.g. With 6 VMs and only 3 nodes make 3 VMs have a different_node relationship to each other and the other three another different_node relationship.

same_node Relationship

Same node relationships are configured in exactly the same way as the different_node relationship is, the only difference being that in this situation the VMs are placed on the same physical node.&nbsp; Obviously using this approach you need to be aware of the physical limits of a single node.&nbsp; Currently the OCC is using an X6-2 server which has 40 cores and 496Gb of memory available for use.&nbsp; Clearly trying to put more VMs than will fit in this space will result in a similar failure to place the VM that occurred when trying to place on a different node.